Penam Periodontics - Evidence based Personalized Periodontics

Dental Implant Biological Risk Calculator

A risk factor is an attribute, characteristic or exposure of an individual that increases the likelihood of developing a disease, injury or treatment outcome. 

There are two major types of risks involved in dental implant complications and failure:

  1. Biological complications;
  2. Mechanical complications.

Mechanical complications cannot be assessed in advance as they occur with placement of the implant and its crown superstructures.

Biological Risk

To understand the biological risk for a particular patient you need to understand the risk factors that may contributed to the complications or failure. The major host based biological risk factors are:

  1. Dental plaque;
  2. History of Periodontitis; and
  3. Smoking.

Our current understanding is that the risks associated with them are cumulative. To allow one to better understand this we developed this simple risk calculator.

The higher the score the greater the risk of biological complications which subsequently may lead to loss of the implant.


If the cumulative or total score is 5-6 or greater, than you has two options:

  1. Address the risk factors - improve the oral hygiene, treat the periodontal disease or QUIT smoking.
  2. Look for alternative treatment options; bridgework or dentures.

The data used in the risk calculator was obtained from assessment of multiple studies of dental implants. These are only meant to be an indicator of potential risk.

Your dentists responsibilities

Before deciding on whether an implant is best for you discuss these risk factors with your dentist or our team. It is important you understand the risks and address them, if possible, before you decide on having an implant.

Disclaimer: This page is designed to give the odds or risk that the implant or may not have in developing a biological problem. It should not be used for legal or other purposes and we accept no responsibility for its use for purposes other than as an information source.

Penam Investments Pty Ltd (C) 2020.

Risk of Biological complications.

Dental Plaque Score

  • Nil=0
  • Interproximal Plaque=2
  • Interproximal and Marginal Plaque=5
  • Gross plaque= 10

Periodontal Disease Score

  • No Inflammation=0
  • Gingivitis=1
  • Mild Periodontitis=3
  • Moderate/Advanced Periodontitis=5
  • Aggressive Periodontitis=10

Smoking Rate Score

  • Non smoker=0
  • Former smoker=1
  • 0-10 cigs per day=3
  • 10-20 cigs per day=5
  • 20+ cigs per day=10

Total score = Add the individual scores that apply to you or your patient.


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